“We are unknown even to ourselves. Afraid of that which we are.
We must learn to love and embrace the unknown for that is the path of growth and infinite potential. The unknown is the only way out of the prison of fear. The unknown is fear.
Our prehistoric programming has to be undone. It is time for us to force evolution on ourselves. That is the gift of our consciousness. We can choose to be more than we are programmed to be. We can choose the opposite of fear. Call it what you like, I call it love and that’s my superpower.
Fear is the creator of all things that separate us, label us, destroy us and hate us. Fear is not our friend yet it rules our lives without us even being aware of it. Fear is necessary, but not as our primary guiding principle. Love should be our majority stakeholder, using fear as needed and rarely.
Fear is the animal within us all.
I Love You!
Prehistoric Programming is the simple answer. It is how we have survived prior to our advances in higher consciousness, peace and technology. Fear was our protector. Anything that was not familiar was an unknown danger and may kill us. Fear is our built in security system with one goal in mind self-preservation. Essentially, keep me alive at all cost. This system of preservation operates at all levels of our consciousness and decision making processes. Basically, fear decides what we should do for the sake of self-preservation. For example, unknown to us the majority of our decisions that are made down deep in our subconsciousness go like this: I am either afraid to do something so I do not, or I am afraid not to do something so I act. Either way our decision making process is based in fear. Now, we can clearly see how 500, 1,000, 3,000, 10,000 or more years ago this would be a very usable and quite needed evolutionary defense mechanism, but today not so much. Our need to fear for the preservation of our existence has been offset greatly by our advancements as human beings, though we continue to fear and that fear has evolved just as we have. Now, the majority of living organisms on the planet utilize the same defense mechanism for their survival, fear. So clearly, it is an unequivocal yes that we have proven fear works and is needed for the survival of near every living species or organisms. But what separates us human beings from being categorized as animals, which we like to think we are not, is our ability to control fear, our ability to become something that we are not, our ability to transform ourselves from animals to human beings and not allow fear to continue to evolve into the horrible things it creates in our so called advanced consciousness. Yes, fear is necessary but no, fear today is not required to be our guiding self-preservation defense mechanism. Today it is fear that hinders our advancement as human beings. Fear continues to show us how close to animals we are and it is only our mastery and control of our fear that will elevate our existence and empower our infinite potential.
How is it that we do not realize that fear controls near our every decision. At our core of decision making there is only act or not. We either are afraid to do something or we are afraid not to do something. So if we are driven by forces we don’t understand or even realize then do we truly have the ability to choose or even make a choice. It is when we finally realize that the game is rigged that we begin to see the truth. Our self-preservation defense mechanism that has saved us for thousands of years, that has allowed our species to thrive and grow to the top of food chain has finally been revealed and must be advised that it has run its course as the master of our race. It is time we finally take the leap from a fear-based existence, a fear first world, to a love-based existence and a #lovefirstworld.
If you want to make a difference then you have to do something different. It is that simple. Repeat what we have done and get more of the same. The difficulty arises in fears strangle hold because something different is the unknown. Why is it so hard for people to change? Because you are programmed to fear the unknown and change is an unknown variable. So we stay where are, we repeat what we’ve done, we redo again, not because it’s logical or even good for us but because it’s known to us, familiar. That’s how fear works. So, if we want to make a difference it is clear that mastery of fear is step one.
We are not broken, we are just not open. We are fixed, set, taught one way, the way we’ve done it. Some people like to describe themselves as broken because of their difficult past or tough up-bringing. Though once again it is nothing more than an excuse fueled by fear because they are afraid to change or they are playing the victim card, either way it is fear. Even though they realize what they’ve done or are doing is bad or wrong, they continue because it is familiar or what they know and to change is the unknown, even if it is starring you in the face. Fixed mindset, fixed beliefs, fixed truth, fixed opinions… fixes nothing. We are not broken, we are just afraid.
Well, that depends on what you define the truth as, and how afraid you are to question your own truth. The truth is nothing more than what someone is willing to believe and beliefs vary wildly, so the truth is variably subjective to ones beliefs. Essentially your truth, his truth, her truth and their truth may be 4 different truths. Hmmm… that doesn’t make since to my ego. Your ego wants you to believe that you are right and all else is wrong, that is a defense mechanism, based in of course fear, the fear that you may be wrong or someone else maybe right. So then what is the truth? I like Buddha’s rationale in the “Question Everything” section. It is basically using the scientific process, psychology, logic and love to deduce the truth as it is to one and all. Remember, the game is rigged and fear is no longer our friend. So beware of your truth, especially if you are afraid to question it.
I would say like Forrest Gump said, “maybe a bit of both”. As discussed prior it is not our looks that differentiate us, it is our ability to master, harness and control our fear that truly discerns us from animal-like tendencies. Just look at our actions, just look at what we say and do. Most all of us at one time or another or often are in defense mode, offended, feeling attacked or vulnerable, jealous, one-sided, angry, depressed, stressed, hopeless, and on, all fear motivated reactions and defense mechanisms to hide us from the truth. And the truth is we are afraid and the sooner we understand, accept and love who and what we are, the sooner we will be able to go from humanish, to truly human.
The mind serves its most powerful master and that typically is not you. Why would the human mind be any different than any other animals mind, ruled by fear. It has been our protector for who knows how long, but within our evolution of consciousness fears usefulness has run its course. The realization of this is the beginning steps in taking back control of your mind and allowing love and logic to be the minds master. The mind has unimaginable power, power that we’ve only scratched the surface in uncovering. That power and infinite potential lies on the other side of fear, beyond our beta programming. It’s time for an upgrade. Loading now…
“It is when we finally realize that the game is rigged that we begin to see the truth.”
Fear has transformed from our protector to our destroyer. Our first line of defense to our prison, our hate, our disease, our diagnosis, our condition, our differences, our wars, our politics, our media, our schools, our religions, our desire to be right over all else. Fear is what we are but not what we can be. Fear has evolved and it’s due time that we evolve beyond fear. It’s time we evolve to using fear as a tool, whether than fear using us as a vessel of destruction. No longer is fear a means to advance our species as its guiding principle. Yes, fear has been and continues to be the core motivator of the animal species we like to call human beings, but as we continue to try to advance ourselves fear has transformed from self-preservation to self-destruction and continued human catastrophe. At the very core of the majority of our social and cultural downfalls and issues hides our old friend fear, sneaking its way into our decisions and causing a plethora of problems across the board. You see it from personal relationships to business, politics, media and religion. Fear is not a choice or a conscious decision, fear just happens behind the scenes and then slowly manifest itself as an issue. By issue I mean something causing the trouble or separation between individuals or groups of individuals. Currently, fear tells us that because we disagree, we can not carry on a relationship or be friends. We allow fear to separate us instead of using our disagreement to create a solution that works for both. One of the major problems that fears evolution has also created is an out of control ego. The uncontrollable desire to be right over all else, the thing that won’t let you stop, the creator of arguments, the extremists mindset at its best - we are right the everyone else is wrong. The greatest difficulty in the evolution of fear is its uncanny ability to influence our every move without us even knowing of its existence. We believe we are not afraid, per our egos direct bombardment into our minds, yet we are merely scared little boys and girls, longing for the love that we so much desire.
“Beware of your truth, especially if you are afraid to question it.”
When we take a moment and review our history that we are aware of, it has moments of beauty, humanity and hardships overcome, and then the rest is tattered with bloody conflict like animals trying to destroy one another for what ever reason fear decided to charge us with at that point in our existence. The sad part is this ugliness still exist in our world today. We are afraid, so we do bad things, we make bad decisions, we act like animals instead of humans. You see the biggest difference between an animal and a human being isn’t what we look like, it’s what we act like. It is in our ability to control and harness fear. It is in our ability to use fear not as our master but as a motivator to act in a positive manner. A fear first world is our past and our present, but it does not have to be our future. A fear first world is advertisers and businesses utilizing fear tactics to sell their products. Politics using fear mongering to spread propaganda, not to better our world but to crush the other parties involved to gain power. School systems too afraid to try new ways to help our kids learn and grow as human beings and staying stuck in the old archaic ways. The medias constant barrage of negativity, fear, half truths, botched stories and fake news not for the betterment of our societies but for the agendas and bottom line profits. Religions still battling over who is right and of course the rest is wrong. Extremists stirring the pot with fear, fear, fear. A fear first world unfortunately and fortunately always has the ability to destroy itself. Destroy itself by allowing fear to rage out of control and mankind to regress to mere animals. Or destroy itself by creating the alternative, a #lovefirstworld, a world where fear is secondary not primary. But this would mean we would all have to work together for the betterment of our species, our existence. This would mean we would have to tear down walls, instead of building them. This would mean we would have to work very hard on ourselves. Fear doesn’t give us a choice, fear provides us a matrix to live in, to hide in, to be imprisoned in. Love is the way out.
Be skeptical but not afraid. Question everything but move forward. One of Buddha’s most famous quotes explains perfectly…
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.
— Buddha
Buddha basically explained how to systematically eliminate fear from the equation and make calculated logical decisions based in love.
It’s simple really. Your hidden master, the rigger of the game, your creator of delusion and terror, your anxiety, doubt and worry, again the culprit. It is your discipline of it or lack there of, that enables you or imprisons you. If your fear rages wildly within your existence, then you are offended often by others opinions, actions and behaviors different than your own. Why? Because it is different, hence unknown or not familiar, i.e. fear and we are offended. Being offended is just another defense mechanism created in the minds realm of ego to hide us from the true meaning of it… We are just afraid.
No. There’s nothing wrong with you. Fear does it’s job quite well and without our discipline and input it can and will create, manifest and/or destroy you and us. The closer we get to the realization of what fear is and what fear is doing to us, the more peace, growth, happiness and love we will begin to see in our world. Let me repeat, for the majority of us there is truly nothing wrong with us other than fear wreaking havoc on our existence. We must begin to transition ourselves from a fear first existence to a love first existence and that is done with understanding and growth. We must go to the place that many of us fear the most… Deep within ourselves and find who we truly are, love that person and then begin the outward trek into the world, your #lovefirstworld.