“It is human nature to want or desire to better yourself. Yet growth or the betterment of self is by far one of our most monumental of tasks. We are meant to be as the universe is, constantly growing and expanding. We are most happy when we’re doing something we feel to be meaningful, helpful, useful or fun. Yet the elevation of self, beyond what we believe we are currently is like climbing Mount Everest with no oxygen, no training and no guide. Which of course would be near impossible. Why is it so difficult?
Near every living organism on the planet use fear to protect themselves. Not by our choice of course, it just happens and we don’t even realize or understand that we can control it and do something about it. It is our built in self-preservation defense mechanism. The problem lies in fears strong hold over our existence and consciousness, it runs the show. It monitors and makes all decisions. It is essentially our master and we don’t even know it. Fear worked great thousands of years ago, but in the modern world fear is the creator of our demise, our issues, our problems, our separation, our destruction. Our mastery and control of fear is what separates us from our animal brethren, and takes us from humanish to human.
You see we are all playing a societal role. The role of what we think people will think. Our fear of being judged or looked down upon or laughed at or booed or called stupid or an idiot or ugly or dumb or who knows what. We are all playing the role of who we think we must be to not be the person we don’t want to be. Where do we fit in, do we fit in and why do we have to fit in? That’s why we’re so stressed, so tired, so depressed, so anxious, so worried, so confused, so lost. We’re trying to be something that we are not, someone that we are not. And that’s actually ok when we are pushing ourselves to improve and create growth in our lives. The issue lies in the fact that most of the time we are only trying to not be the person we believe we are, we are trying to be the person we believe someone else wants us to be or the person that those people will like. We believe we are not enough, we are powerless, we are dumb, stupid, an idiot, ugly, crazy, you know the routine. The simple answer is fear is the cause, culprit and jury. Your subconscious is guiding you with fear and these beliefs are actually meant to protect you, yet as we all know, they do not. They hold us back, they hurt us, they damage us, and for some they destroy us. We are the problem. You are the problem. Your lack of control of fear is the demon haunting you, the animal within you. It is actually almost impossible for the majority of us to love ourselves, because we aren’t ourselves. We are an ego character, fighting fear with fear and drowning in it. It is not the mirror that lies, it is your fear controlled mind.
How do we fix this, how do we stop this, how do we change this? Well, I’m sorry. There’s no quick fix, no easy answer, no pill or drug that will make it go away, no one to blame. The only fix is you, consistency, repetition, and love, backed by a support system. You must reprogram your subconscious from allowing fear to be the majority stakeholder to infusing love into your basic programming. Taking self-preservation as your brains main objective using fear, to self-expansion and your brain using love to do so. Fear is still a factor and quite useful, but cannot be our operating system as it is now. This is not easy or most of the time even fun to do. It can be monotonous, repetitive and at first feel wrong or even stupid. Your fear programmed brain is going to fight you tooth and nail. You see, you want to change, but your subconscious self-preservation brain is programmed to fear all unknowns, change is an unknown, and it will do whatever is necessary to combat this, which are all the things we just discussed.
Yes, you have to get into a fight and maybe even start a war with your subconscious mind, and the only way you will win is consistency, repetitiveness and love, and I’ve got your back.
You tell yourself the truth. You are not broken. You are not crazy. You are not doomed. You do not have a chemical imbalance. You are what your programming and your upbringing has created. For the majority of us we are the products of the matrix of fear, that our fear based societies, cultures, countries and parents have molded us to be. We believe we have the ability to choose and make choices but when fear rules your mind do we truly have the ability to choose. Most of us are not who we truly are, we are the avatar of our ego persona, the person we think others would want us to be or have told us we are. We desire the acceptance of others, yet we do not accept or love who we truly are. You are the key. You are the solution. You are your only hope. You only need to begin, take the first step, not forward but inward. We must first understand, then begin uploading and reprogramming our subconscious. Now begins the most difficult task you’ve ever taken on and your brain is not going to like it.
The bad news is there’s no quick fix and for each of us the timeframe varies, but the reality is it’s not going to be easy. Growth is not always pleasant and you can thank your brain.
Once you have a basic understanding of fears strong hold on humanity, next we can begin building a tower instead of a wall. A tower built with 6 principles, honed with self-discipline and repetition. Add in support and a sherpa guide, and you’ve got an expedition to climb Mount Everest. Atop of that tower and Everest stands you, free of fears strong hold, free of societies labels, free of others expectations, free of excuses and blame, free to be you and love you. Free to exist and grow. Free to share you and your creations with your fellow human beings. Let us begin.
We could discuss a really sophisticated and complicated answer to that question, but the simple answer is we are animals with a slightly higher consciousness than our fellow varying species. We possess the ability to control and/or discipline ourselves, which can with much effort, create growth within us and raise our awareness and existence beyond our fear-based matrix presenting us with the opportunity and potential of being much more. Without that self-control, discipline and understanding we are merely the animals we’re programmed to be and exist as. I mean just watch the news, social media and politics and tell me we still aren’t animals. For most of us there is at times and for some of us often, chaos in our heads. We feel hopeless or out of control and that’s exactly fears job and your brain working perfectly. Why do you think we all have similar experiences and emotional behaviors, it’s normal. We’re not crazy, it’s our brains doing their jobs. Our brains are essentially afraid of everything, that is how it is programmed to keep us safe. We are either familiar with something and are less afraid of it, or we are not familiar with an unknown and we are more afraid of it. Either way, it’s fear invoking its power over us in every way, and we don’t even know it. Even the things that we are familiar with and accustom to we are still afraid of in some way.
We are an ever evolving creature, with the ability to make ourselves anything we believe us to be. Because that is truly who and what we are at this moment. We are who our subconscious has been programmed and conditioned to tell us to be. A species ruled by fear and in our long past that was our survival. Today, our survival depends solely on our ability as a species to evolve past our prehistoric programming and move toward an existence based in love and not fear. Fear should and can no longer be our ruler our captain. Fear should be a just in case on as needed basis. Love should be our master, our supreme leader, our guiding principle.
To begin we should understand what fear motivated thought creates in our minds. Our evolutionary, prehistoric programming runs on self-preservation based technology with all thought infused with fear in order to protect us from the unknown that it still believes may harm us. Our subconscious, or the part of our brain that operates basically without us our auto-pilot, works behind the scenes running all necessary systems of our human body in an amazing fashion. Our body is the most technologically advanced machine ever created and it works seamlessly without us even doing a thing, and we still after thousands of years of known history, medical and scientific research have yet to uncover all its mysteries and understand how we truly work. Pretty mind-boggling stuff. We know the basics, but our minds are like the ocean, mostly still undiscovered. We ourselves are still a mystery, an unknown, hence why it is so difficult to go inside ourselves and grow because yes, we are afraid of ourselves. Fear is a circle of stagnation and self-preservation. We must begin the journey to Everest in order to unhinge fears strong hold on us, open the door to our potential and build a foundation of embracing the unknown without fear. Looking at ourselves and our lives without doubt, worry and anxiety. Understanding that the unknown is merely part of the process of growth, change is the enabler of our infinite potential and fear is our finite past still haunting us but not for long.
Well, since you’re here, clearly you have already begun. Next step would be below, fill out your info and the journey never ends. This is not a “quick fix”, a “do it yourself-help tip guide”, or a “this is going to work for you it’s the best ever” lie. This is the beginning of the rest of your life of hard work on yourself, your life, your mind, your mental health, your relationships, your job, your business, your career, your everything. This is your opportunity to escape the matrix, but it is all up to you. Only you and fear stand in your way.
Love plus an absolute ton of self-work, can help you to create the life you’ve always wanted, the happiness you’ve always dreamed of, the peace of mind we all yearn for. But as you have read in the pages of this site, going against what your brain is programmed to do is not an easy task. In fact, most FAIL.
So, here are some of the tools you’ll need to begin the journey of truly being you, loving you, creating your life on your terms, understanding what happiness truly is and means. These will help you along the way and assist you in controlling and understanding fear:
Master these 12 tools and you will be at the beginning of a wonderful journey.
Beware: no one said this is easy nor did anyone say this is the only way. This is merely my experience on this planet, so take all of this information as a gift to use as you see fit… Or not. Either way, I still love you.
100% Life-Back Guarantee, yes you heard that right, if you are unable to conquer, master and control the fear programmed within you, you are more than welcome to go right back to the life you have. Yes, that’s meant to be a bit of a comedic poke at you, but maybe for some it will be a motivator to never go back. I Love You!