Though +Positive News seems sometimes hard to find it is everywhere.

20 +Positive Links Below

There are two ways of spreading light: to be
the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
— Edith Wharton

  1. Zen Habits ~  Finding Simplicity in Daily Chaos.
  2. Marc and Angel ~  Practical Tips for Productive Living
  3. Handicap This! ~  Making Minds Handicap Accessible!
  4. Positively Positive ~  Your Attitude + Your Choices = Your Life
  5. Simona Rich ~  Know Yourself and Grow
  6. Think Simple Now ~  A Moment of Clarity
  7. Ted ~  Ideas worth spreading
  8. Optimist World ~  The Optimist News
  9. 99U ~  Insights on Making Ideas Happen
  10. 1000 Awesome Things ~  1000 Awesome Things
  11. Good News Network ~  A daily dose of news to enthuse.
  12. Riskology ~  There is Greatness in You
  13. Good ~  Creative Solutions for Living Well + Doing Good
  14. Daily Good ~  News that Inspires
  15. Huffpost Good News ~  Inspirational Stories, Positive Views
  16. The Happiness Project ~  The Pursuit of Happiness
  17. Inspiration Boost ~  Quotes of Life
  18. Positive365 ~  Something Positive Every Day
  19. Kindness Blog ~  Because Kindess Changes Everything
  20. ~  The Online Self Improvement Community