“The best investment you’ll ever make is in yourself.”
We should first make something very clear. Money doesn't buy happiness, nor is it necessary for happiness. Money assists in the equation to freedom for most.
Money is one of the greatest creators of frustration and relationship issues ever. Money has often negative affects on people even when they begin to make lots of it. Which again proves it has nothing to do with happiness or kindness or anything other than financial freedom.
In many of our societies today we live quite differently than in the past financially. Today we typically live well "beyond our means". Loans, credit cards, payday loans, school loans, car loans, home loans, personal loans, loans, loans and loans. The banks and credit card companies own near all of our lives. It's a vicious cycle that we believe, because it's what we are sold, we have to do in order to get ahead. Just to be crystal clear, financial freedom does not include buying things you cannot currently afford, because your ego tells you that it is imperative to have this now. We must begin to snap out of our over consumptive lifestyles. You don't become financially free by mortgaging your entire life to the point that you can never recover.
There are two types of people that money creates: entrepreneurs and employees. Both are extremely valuable and needed. Also, the unfortunate reality of money is that whether you are an entrepreneur or an employee, sometimes you have to take a risk when it comes to growing your money tree. But one thing is true, tried and absolutely certain; the best investment you can and will ever make is in the growth of yourself. On top of the entrepreneurs and employees there are also two other types of people: consumers and investors. A consumer simply consumes for him or herself, consumes goods, consumes money, consumes and wastes. An investor understands the concept of growth and invest heavily in one area to start, themselves.
If you want to grow and facilitate your financial freedom, stop over indulging, stop living beyond your means, stop just being a consumer, build a surefire blueprint towards your financial and life goals, invest in yourself heavily and work towards that goal day and night. There are multitudes of opinions, processes, schemes, etc. all over the internet to show you how to reduce your debt and grow your financial worth. Invest in some time to find the one that works for you, or create your own, the key is to begin with a realistic goal and work towards it. And no matter what, realize that the get rich schemes, the fast money, the things that sound too good to be true, 99% of the time are. It takes hard work to get ahead. Even those guys that had great ideas and have made millions off them, had to work very hard to manifest that idea in reality and make it work. Don't be fooled, the road to financial freedom takes time and effort.
If you do not invest in yourself, you will never amount to anything more than you already are today.
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”
4 Money Tree Growth Tips: