“Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.”
The fundamentals of positive self-development or PSD are simple: forward positive growth with core positive strategies. Life is a choice between positive and negative. Which ever you choose the most will orchestrate your life. PSD offers simple, effective, powerful and manageable solutions to create the happiness in your life that we all deserve. The first step is learning, realizing and understanding. It is the awakening of such for PSD. Positive Self-Development is a lifestyle and a life choice. Once you begin it never ends, once the positive starts to overrun in your life your happiness will reward you tenfold. This is a process that varies for each individual, but the outcome is the same, the happiness you’ve always dreamed of. PSD is about taking responsibility and control of your life.
The reality is, if we are not moving forward then we are destine to repeat our past, which we seem to do often. It is imperative that we as human beings understand that we were built to be continuously making forward progress in our lives. We are a biological machine with the most powerful engine known to mankind, the brain. Housed inside that 3 pounds of matter is our consciousness, our mind. Our existence is based solely on what we input, process and create or allow to happen to us, via our brain. If we input positive, we create positive and the bi-product is happiness. The opposite is obviously true if we input mostly negative, then we create negative and we live a life of stress and unhappiness. PSD is a path to transform your life from the negatives of stress, worry, doubt, pain, sorrow and fear to the positives of confidence, humility, self-worth and happiness. Teaching yourself how to be positive down to your very core and sharing that positive freely.
1. Daily Positive Reading ~
The purpose of a DPR is to motivate you, give you confidence, increase your focus and help you to make everyday the day you want it to be. It should be a positive, affirmative message that reminds you of who you are and who you want to be at your core. If written properly and read with understanding, the words will strengthen you and help you grow. Some of the reading can also be an inspirational quote or any words of wisdom that help you to feel motivated and confident. Keep it simple, it is the core of who you are and everything grows and stems from this reading. By reading the same thing over and over, you begin to truly believe and transform your life. This practice imprints the words into your core being and helps to structure your life.
Note: Reading your DPR out loud is recommended. When you read the words out loud, your ears hear the words and your brain processes the information at a higher level. It is ok to read your DPR "in your head" when it's not appropriate to speak it out loud, because sometimes we'll need to read it at work, before a job interview, before an event, etc. It is also required that you set a schedule to read your DPR, such as Morning, Noon and Night, or specific times in the day that you know you will need it the most. It is quite alright to read your DPR as many times a day as needed. You can also, coincide your DPR readings with your Positive Switch schedule, see The Positive Switch below.
There are four basic items that will appear in every reading, which you'll see below. Remember, this tool is not meant to be used to fix all of your issues and problems in life. It is meant to create a strong core of who you are and/or who you want to be. The following is an example of a daily positive reading.
"I am a confident and powerful person. Today, I will control my destiny and use my smile to portray confidence and peace. I will be kind and caring, a Great Husband, Dad and Friend. I will allow nothing to discourage or dishearten me. I will freely give and share my positive energy and outlook. Focus and Drive will allow me to create a Happy Plentiful Life for myself and my Family. I am Your Name."
Get your core confident and positive, and the rest will begin to fall into place. Notice we use powerful statements such as, "I AM..." and "I WILL..." rather than, "well maybe" or "if I get around to it." Those statements will not work here or give you the confidence and motivation, which we are trying to achieve. "I AM" and "I WILL" tell your mind that there is no other possible outcome but positive.
The next two examples are for a young girl and young boy. It is just as important for children to have a daily positive reading as it is for adults. It is imperative that the reading fit your child and be growth-oriented and positive. Children are learning and growing daily. They are developing habits, beliefs and understandings. Sometimes by watching us, their parents, and sometimes by watching others they may look up to. It is essential that they have a firm foundation and core to build upon and these daily readings will help build that core.
"I am a Confident, Happy and Beautiful Person. My Beauty comes from within and Shines out to the World through my Radiant Smile. With my Creative Mind and Positive Attitude, I have the Power to turn any Negativity into Positive, for Myself and for Others. I am not afraid of anything. I will make good decisions, know what I want and be determined to get it. I am in Control of Me. I am ___________."
"I am a Confident, Happy and Powerful young man. My Handsome smile, creative mind and positive attitude empower me to control myself and the world around me. I am not afraid of anything. I will make good decisions, know what I want and be determined to get it. I will always think positive. I am in Control of Me. I am ___________."
These are both short and sweet, but very powerful for a young girl's and boy's mind, programming them to be confident, keep a positive outlook and be in control of their own worlds. These are influential traits for all children to learn. If you have children, it is recommended that you to create a daily positive reading that portrays these traits, along with others that fit them individually. Again, these readings are meant to build their core traits in order for them to become positive healthy adults. There is no "right time" or "right age" to begin daily positive readings for your children. Each child is different and will grow and develop at different rates and ages. However, you can never begin positive programming too early. Even reading encouraging, positive affirmations to babies and toddlers will assist in building the kind of core values that will guide them to grow into confident, happy adults.
Your DPR should contain four main factors:
Confidence (without ego)
Being in Control of your Life (because if your not, who is)
Positive Outlook (negativity breeds fear)
About YOU and/or who YOU want to be
When writing your DPR, after you've included those four factors, you may then want to add some personal reminders, which will help to keep you on the right track. Remember when creating your DPR, "Less is More". Do not over complicate it. Keep it simple, easy to read and understand. Also, remember you are going to read this everyday, multiple times, so make it count. This DPR is shaping your core character and honing your growth.
Lastly, it's always best to keep your DPR close. Print them out and laminate it, keep it on your smart phone, iPad and computer so that you can access it at any point. You should decide what the best delivery mechanism works for you. Remember, keeping your DPR in multiple places can be helpful, even laminating a small version and keeping it in your purse or wallet is good. The choice is yours but don't expect a Daily Positive Reading to help you if you don't take the time and effort to write a quality one for yourself and your children. You should set a schedule and stick to it, coinciding with your Positive Switch schedule is a good idea. Each time you read the words you must believe, otherwise your just going through the motions and wasting your time. Choose to believe, read your DPR as often as you need and positive change will come. Start your children reading their DPR's and stay consistent. Change and growth does not happen overnight and take time and effort. Be consistent with yourself and your children.
“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing that’s why we recommend it daily.”
2. Less is More ~
Less is unequivocally, absolutely and profoundly more. We create failure in our world, ourselves and our lives by continuously adding more and more and more, over-complicating things beyond what we most can handle, then expect great results. It's a failure-ridden system that our society has created and that we allow to control us every day. How can you ever expect to do what you want to do, if 24 hours a day is not enough time to do what your job and family expects of you.
Over do, over complicate, go too far, excessive, too much, extreme, overkill, you get the picture. Basically, the world we live in can, as you well know, go a little too far and be a bit much. We over complicate our lives by adding elements where they are not needed, or over thinking situations that are just fine, or worrying ourselves to death over circumstances we can do nothing about. We overload ourselves and our lives with way too many things. Unfortunately, what we do not always realize is, something will suffer. Sometimes those things that suffer may be the people or areas in your life that need you the most.
There is one basic premise that we should always keep in our minds when situations get too complicated or tough, too difficult to handle, when problems just won't stop. Less is More. Slow down, step back, deep breath, clear your head and now let's solve this. Break problems down to their simplest form and core, then begin to construct solutions from there. There is no such thing as a problem without a solution, even if it takes a perception change on your part. Simplify and overcome.
Taking control of your life, evaluating where things are complicated and breaking them down to a simpler solution are key factors in building a happy life. Find the areas in your life that need to be simplified, that need some "Less is More" coaching. Do some self-evaluation to find a happy medium where less actually creates more in your life and you'll be amazed. Take the time to ensure the people that need you the most are not suffering because you have no time for them, that I assure you, you will not regret. Get your priorities in order and keep them simple.
We either create or allow this chaos in our lives. Simplify your Life.
“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”
3. The Positive Switch ~
(How to control negative emotions and behaviors, and increase positive ones)
It's sometimes helpful to look at things from a slightly different perspective, taking things and associating them with something else. This helps to simplify the situation or problem and create a simple solution. The positive switch is one example of this. Simply associate a basic light switch, on or off, with issues, emotions or behaviors that you need to control or monitor in yourself. Here’s an example, picture a row of light switches, all are on or off, depending on which switch they are or what they represent, good or bad behavior or emotions. Switch one is the “ego”, that switch is off. Of course the ego switch is off because the ego can have detrimental effect on most all situations that we allow it to intrude upon. The key is monitoring the behavior and the switch closely. But beware, bad behaviors, emotions or habits, such as the ego, have a tendency to automatically switch themselves on without you knowing, so it is imperative that you recognize the signs and quickly flip the ego switch back off again. You must learn to recognize the beginning signs of the negative behavior and immediately flip the switch before it causes any issues. Another example is switch two, “fear”. Fear is also a very powerful, negative emotion, that if allowed can have extreme affects on every aspect of your life. The fear switch should be very closely monitored and watched. Fear is a dangerous almost automatic emotion in all of us. It should be kept at bay for many reasons. One being that fear is at the core of many of our personal issues and creates many negative behaviors, so by keeping fear in check we can alleviate other negative feelings or emotions. Switch three is "confidence", and it should always remain on. But very much like any negative trait, a positive can be automatically turned off when you allow it. For instance, if you allow fear to be switched on and left on, almost certainly confidence will be switched off until you turn off fear and turn back on confidence. Switch four is "control", the most important of the switches, which should be always on. The interesting thing about this one is, it is connected to every other switch, if this one get's turned off, so does the rest of the positives and all the negatives get turned on. Control is almost like the master switch of the positives and when it get switched off, all the negatives get turned on. Control of yourself, your emotions, your traits and your behaviors is essential for any positive move forward, positive change or advancement within yourself. Other switches may be "positive outlook", which of course would need to be in the on position. "Anger" would be another, and would need to be kept off and monitored closely. "Respect" could be a switch, always needing to be on. "Blame" is also one that would be left off and monitored. Understanding that the majority of the time you are to blame for your issues, problems or negative behaviors, if the blame switch is on, then control, confidence and respect are most definitely off.
This is a very simple concept. Create your light switchboard based on your good and bad emotions, behaviors, habits and traits. Monitor them very closely, you are the power company, you control the switches, you take the blame when the positive switch gets turned off and negative get's allowed on. Reducing this concept down to a simple tangible form like a switch can help you grasp and control your life much easier.
Want to change something in your life, create a switch, monitor it closely and change your life. Stop smoking, lose weight, drink less, control anger, stop negativity, and on and on... Use this simple tool properly and experience change from controlling and creating your life.
Learn how to operate the switch, it's quite simple. On or Off.
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
4. Join the Cause ~
Being apart of something that continuously creates positive in your life and our world is essential to a life of happiness.
It can be extremely helpful, beneficial and therapeutic for us to take part in a daily routine and movement that surrounds us in a positive light and is always creating positive in our world and in ourselves.
Sign up for email updates, like us on Facebook page, follow us on Twitter and Pinterest. It is not a one time thing, it is not something you do once a week, it's not a thing you try for a few weeks and stop. This is a way of life, it is a lifestyle change that will bring you the happiness you have always dreamed. It's a simple choice to make and path that will lead you to the greatest happiness you can imagine. From this point forward you must now find the positive in everything around you, while creating the positive that you want in your life, all while continuously promoting positive in our world. +Finding Positive is avenue of growth and unification. Join the cause and make a commitment to yourself and to the world.