Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.
— Ramana Maharshi


Everything starts and ends with you. You are the creator of the outcome of your life. You are the center of your Universe. Your life, post childhood, is a blank piece of paper and you hold the pen. You alone hold the ability to create, change, grow or do nothing. You alone possess the ability to allow yourself to be influenced by the negativity around you, or to choose to believe in yourself, have faith in yourself, love yourself and #LivePositive. Interestingly enough, we rarely see it that way or realize we have that power. As kids we are given our tasks, we are told what to do, we are molded into what our parents believe us to be; and depending on our parents we are either enabled to blossom and grow into ourselves or we are corralled into that prison that most of us live today.

There are the Two Forms of Self: Self-Doubt and Self-Worth. One is negative, one is positive. Most of us live in a world of Self-Doubt, molded and honed by fear, worry, indecision, anxiety and negativity. But of course we do, that's the world we live in right... We have created a cycle of Self-Doubt in our societies, a generational loop that spans our families and seems to hit repeat over and over again. But why? The simple answer is we don't believe nor do we understand the first six sentences of the first paragraph above. We aren't taught by our parents nor are we taught by our schools or society that we are in control of our lives, that we are our own leader, that we must believe and lead ourselves, else we may remain in that prison like everyone else. One word sums up Self-Doubt, Fear. And what are we sold daily in near everything we see and hear, Fear.


Fear is the commander of Self-Doubt. Fear is the leader of our world, your world, if allowed. Fear is the destruction of happiness and positivity. Fear causes violence. Fear causes segregation. Fear causes all negativity. Fear is the slave owner, and you are the slave. The person that says I fear nothing, is typically the most afraid. Many wear the mask of ego to cover and hide their fears, while never even realizing the simple truth. Fear is the constant negative influence in the world that remains so powerful. Yet it only takes a simple journey into self to realize and empower you. Empower self instead of what the majority of us do, we empower our fears, and look where that's gotten us. When fear is our influence the outcome is never positive. That holds true in ourselves and our world. It seems we celebrate, sensationalize, promote, worship and believe our fears over all else, which is completely and absolutely the reverse of what we should be doing. Unfortunately we see the media, politics and even religion using the propaganda of fear to sell the latest agendas.

We are a world, a humanity, lost and out of sync with ourselves. We are the problem. We blame each other, yet we as a whole are the problem.

So what are we suppose to do? How do we create and empower our Self-Worth?

With purpose we feel worth. We are suppose to become what our purpose in life is. We are as the Universe is, or we should be. The Universe is an ever-expanding being in it self, constantly growing. Our purpose in life is to continuously grow and better ourselves throughout our lifespan, while sharing that growth with all around us. Yet how often do you see someone doing that? Some search their entire life for purpose and our purpose is simple, and the same for all of us. When we are not growing as a human being, bettering ourselves while helping and sharing with others, we do not feel fulfilled. This is because our brain requires constant input, change and growth while fostering connections with others to continuously function at its best. The challenge for each of us is to create our own environment that provides this. Billions live in monotonous personal environments where they feel and create multitudes of unhealthy and unhappy situations. Self-Worth begins with purpose and is fostered and allowed to blossom as we begin to fulfill our true purpose. You no longer have to search a lifetime for purpose, it is the same for all humanity, it only differs through our execution of that purpose.

Self-Worth is the exact opposite of Self-Doubt. Self-Worth is love instead of fear, faith instead of doubt, understanding instead of confusion, realization instead of frustration and ignorance, positive instead of negative. Self-Worth is belief in self, love of self, and self-confidence. Self-Worth is you becoming the captain of your ship, you taking control of your life, you taking the pen and writing your own story, you accepting your role in the creation of your life as it is today and as it will be tomorrow, you not accepting the path that others believe but taking the path you believe is correct, you finally becoming the leader of your life. Self-Worth is that final straw when you realize that you are worth something, you are worthy, you are good enough, you are valuable, you are...

You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.
— Buddha

You are a human being, one of only 7 Billion others, unique to yourself yet apart of a race of beings with the ability to create life and/or destroy it. It's quite easy to see how those who create life and destroy life differ in Worth and Doubt. Those who have Self-Worth create life, those who do not either destroy life or simply enable the destruction by doing nothing. 

Choose to be worthy of yourself and realize that it is only those without Self-Worth, those who wallow in Self-Doubt that try to bring you down to that level. Choose to share your Self-Worth with all, especially those in the Doubt family. Because even though they may spew negativity, that is simply them crying out for help... So help them by sharing your Worth and fulfilling your purpose.

No one is free who has not obtained the empire of himself. No man is free who cannot command himself.
— Pythagoras

4 Tips for Fueling Self-Worth:

  1. Surround yourself with Positive People - Sounds simple right, not always of course. Depending on your job, your family, your business, your daily routines, sometimes positive people are pretty hard to find. If you're lucky enough to be able to have some around you at all times, consider yourself privileged. For some though this may take some effort, you may have to be that positive person to start. Otherwise, seek out positive influences to keep you on point, use and set positive reminders to keep you focused, and seek out those people in person or online or where ever they may be, find them, they're out there. And always remember, don't idolize people that you believe to be better than you, learn from them.
  2. Structure your Worth - Structure is imperative to creating and maintaining your Self-Worth. Utilize your calendar, phone apps and whatever else you can to keep you focused on your Worth. Your Self-Worth is the core to the entire equation, without it nothing else works and it definitely doesn't add up. Blueprint out your Self-Worth, study it, memorize it, believe it, live it.
  3. Share often - Your purpose in life is to share your Worth with the world around you. Yes even those who attack your Worth and sling doubt and negativity, those most importantly need you to share. They may not appreciate it, but as discussed before those in the Self-Doubt family are simply lashing out for help in the only way they know how, with negativity and fear. So share often and don't discriminate, we all deserve Worth.
  4. Love all - This one can be cumbersome, but it is imperative. The key ingredient to Self-Worth is Self-Love, and with that love comes a responsibility to give. The greatest gift anyone can give to another is love. The Doubt family should be smothered with love, so they realize what it is and what it means. It can be quite difficult to love to those who dare I say are un-lovable, but even the un-lovable just want one thing, to be loved and to learn how to love themselves.

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.
— Buddha