4 TRUTHS that hurt the most:
4 TRUTHS that hurt the most:
TRUTH: You are the problem.
TRUTH: You are the only solution.
TRUTH: You can spend your life blaming others or searching for a pill, a prescription, a diagnosis, a how to, a book, a guru or a god to fix it so that you don’t have to. Either way, it is the same result.
TRUTH: Your life is your responsibility only. Take it or leave it. Most leave it.
Nothing works.
Everything is a scam.
You are the only person that can make anything work in your life. It is never the thing or someone else, it is always you. Your potential is your’s alone. Maximize it or not.
Others can help you, things can help you, but only if you are ready. Only if you are open and willing to say, “I was wrong.” Ego prevents this, fear prevents this, the status quo prevents this.
Life is a hoax, orchestrated by society and the world. Most of us sit back and watch it happen. Choosing to entertain ourselves, rather than question the status quo and go inside to do the inner work needed. If everything worked, we’d surely be amazing by now. If how to’s worked, we’d all be CEO millionaires and enlightened gurus, pretty sure that’s not the case. If politics, education, psychology and religion worked, there’d be no more wars, no more depression, we’d have perfect societies and we’d all be geniuses, not the case.
Few stand up and understand the TRUTH. Few make their own path. Few accept the responsibility needed to create a world full of self-reliant beings.
Why? Whatever excuse you’d like to make up is fine…
Success in life is not measured, it is lived.
Success in life is not money, it is freedom.
Success in life is not a thing, it is you.
It’s your fault.
Stop making excuses and work on your damn self!
But where do I start?
Great question.
I Love You!