The mind is all there is?

The mind is all there is?

The mind is all there is?

Or is it? You can argue the question all you want but it does not matter.

You cannot leave it, you can only create an environment for it to blossom or not.

You can only choose to understand it or continue to be its slave.

You can be the actor or the player in the script and games of the mind. You can accept all your mind gives you or you can say no to all the cultural and societal programming from which the mind gets your lens to view the world.

The mind is your gateway, it is your existence.

It can be used to your advantage, or it can use you to your demise.

You can live in this world and not be its puppet.

You can live with your mind and not be its actor.

You can begin to see beyond the tainted lens you’ve been given and yes what you see will be quite different than what you think.

The mind does what it will and you bow down to its power. You follow its lead. You listen and believe it as truth. You believe the stories and lies it makes up to keep you afraid. You think your mind is you, but that is only partially true. Your mind is a self-preservation mechanism that runs on autopilot and your consciousness that is you also operates in the same system. You are the AI part of the operating system with the ability to operate independently. Your consciousness can be free of the great dictator called the mind.

There are thousands upon thousands of ways to work on yourself, yet none will work until you are ready to truly understand.

You see it is not the how to, it is not the guide, it is not the 10 step program, it is not the book, or the guru or the god that transforms you or enlightens you.

It is just you, when you are ready.

Those things are merely pointers that you will either understand or taint with your programming as most do.

You may never be ready.

You may dance with it from time and time, and then return to your prison as most of us do.

Happiness, freedom, love, awareness, enlightenment, truth… All the same thing, just words pointing and waiting for us to understand.

We are a gifted animal. What we possess no others do. We can remain the animal or create the existence that humanity is quite capable of.

We can destroy our planet and our entire existence, or we can see beyond the ridiculousness we’ve created for thousands of years and do something different.

Where do we begin?

We do not. You do.


Great question.

I Love You!!

4 TRUTHS that hurt the most:

4 TRUTHS that hurt the most: